Vice Page 28
2. After the initial military success in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2003, the Iranian government offered to negotiate with the United States regarding al-Qaeda, relations with Israel, and the Iranian nuclear energy and weapons program. Why did you kill the negotiations before they began?
3. Do you believe that in wartime there are any limits on the powers of the commander in chief, and if so, what are they?
4. What was the extent of your participation in the awarding of the no-bid single source contracts the Army Corps of Engineers awarded to Halliburton?
5. What were your intentions when you scribbled in the margins of The New York Times on July 6, 2003, "did his wife send him on a junket?"
6. At what point were you aware that Niger was not providing large quantities of uranium "yellow cake" to Iraq?
7. Exactly how many times did you visit CIA headquarters prior to the Iraq War, and what did you ask of the CIA analysts with whom you met?
8. How do you explain the complete reversal of your position on invading and occupying Iraq, a course of action you unequivocally opposed as George H. W. Bush's secretary of defense?
9. How do you justify ignoring CIA pleas for more U.S. forces when American and Northern Alliance forces had Osama bin Laden trapped in a cave complex in Tora Bora?
10. Was it your expectation leading up to the Iraq War that Ahmed Chalabi would replace Saddam Hussein, and did you or your staff discuss the organization of a provisional or future government of Iraq with Chalabi?
11. Considering that American and European intelligence sources were discounting the idea at the time, where did you get the information on which you based your claim that the Iraqi government was developing nuclear weapons in 2002?
12. What foreign policy instructions did you convey to your daughter Elizabeth while she was in the number two spot at the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs of the State Department?
13. Considering the North Korean missile tests in June 2006 and North Korea's development of nuclear weapons, how do you justify the constraints you personally imposed on a negotiation agenda that had been drafted and approved by the president and secretary of state in 2004?
14. Do you believe that human-caused global warming is a reality? If so, do you believe the U. S. government has an obligation to do something about it?
15. Why doesn't the public have a right to know who serves on the vice president's staff and the size and details of the staff budget office and how many documents it has classified?
16. How long do you envision continuing warrantless wiretapping of American citizens, surveillance of their financial and telephone records, and other extraordinary domestic measures your administration has put in place to fight the "global war against terror"?
17. If there were to be a major attack on the United States involving weapons of mass destruction, what plans are in place for continuity of government, and will they comply with the constitutional statutory line of succession?
18. Do you believe the administration's signing statements take precedence over congressional statutes? How have these signing statements been put into effect in executive branch actions?
19. What was your involvement, either independently or through David Addington, in the drafting of the Yoo and Bybee memos justifying torture?
20. Are you still receiving any compensation of any kind from Halliburton, and would you provide an account of all Halliburton compensation you have received since you became George Bush's vice presidential nominee?
21. What request did Ken Lay make of you regarding Enron and the California electricity markets in 2001?
22. Did you have any discussions with Jack Stanley about bribing Nigerian officials while you were CEO at Halliburton?
23. Will you release the full list of names of the donors to the 2000 Presidential Transition Foundation and the amounts they gave?
24. Is the public subsidizing in any way your frequent travel to and attendance at fundraising events for congressional candidates?
25. Why won't you release your complete medical history and list of medications you take?
This book would have not been possible without the generous sup-port of colleagues and friends.
Nancy Miller at Random House conceived this project, offered us the opportunity to undertake it, helped shape it, and indulged our requests for deadline extensions. Her assistant, Lea Beresford, was indispensable in keeping editor and authors on the same page. And Random House production editor Beth Pearson and copy editor Emily DeHuff ensured that our grammatical and typographical errors didn't make it into the published text. Our agent, Dan Green, was as good a critical reader of our manuscript as he was a guide through the paper processes and decisions involved in any book contract.
In Washington, D.C., Ann Geracimos provided lodging and insight into the social and power centers of our nation's capital. Frank Smyth also offered a congenial space, which came with insight, advice, moral support, and a foldout couch. Amy Southerland offered us her good counsel as well as the friendship of a fellow writer. In Austin, the editorial staff of The Texas Observer allowed one of the editors the freedom to work on this project while other staff bore the extra burden involved in writing and editing an issue every two weeks. Jeanne Goka tolerated the extended absence of a spouse who set up a temporary residence in Washington. And Molly Ivins was generous enough to suspend a collaborative project with one of the authors so that this book could happen. Finally, we are deeply indebted to Peter Lindstrom, a researcher and insightful editor whose collaboration helped make this project possible.
Any nonfiction work rests on a foundation laid by those who have come before. The nature of this book required us to lean heavily on the work of others. Fortunately, despite frequent and often valid criticism of the Fourth Estate, investigative journalism is alive and well in the United States. We are indebted to a number of dedicated and fearless reporters who have faced the threat of prosecution in order to expose the inner workings of the most secretive administration in American history. Sy Hersh, Michael Isikoff, Jane Mayer, Walter Pincus, Dana Priest, James Risen, Charlie Savage, Evan Thomas, and Murray Waas come to mind, but there are many more. Charlie Cray of Halliburton Watch also provided us direction and hard data on the company Dick Cheney directed before Bush selected him as a running mate.
In the course of reporting this book, we have had the good fortune to meet a number of American heroes; some were willing to attach their names to their comments, but many spoke off the record out of fear of reprisal. A number of them are lifelong Republicans who are horrified by the direction in which Dick Cheney is taking our nation. While we do not have the time or space to name them all, three true patriots we feel must be mentioned are Colonel Larry Wilkerson, Bruce Fein, and Lou Fisher. Even when the substance of our discussion with them was grim, their passion and commitment to the American ideal left us filled with hope.
A Man, a Plan—and Names Named
ABC News This Week. Interview with Dick Cheney. January 28, 2002.
Abraham, Spencer (Secretary of Energy). Schedule. April 17, 2001.
Barbour, Haley. Memo to Vice President Dick Cheney. March 2, 2001.
Browning, Stephen. E-mail (recipient's name redacted). February 2, 2001.
Buccino, Sharon. Author interview. March 24, 2006.
Contratto, Dana. E-mail to Joseph Kelliher. March 22, 2001.
Fineman, Howard, and Michael Isikoff. "Enron Continues to Roil Washington." Time, February 11, 2002.
Fitton, Tom. Author interview. March 27, 2006.
Grodner, Nicole. E-mail to John Flaherty et al. April 2, 2001.
Hagel, Chuck (U.S. senator). Memo and floor remarks text to Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham. May 11, 2001.
Halsted, T.J. "Walker v. Cheney: Legal Insulation of Vice President Cheney from GAO Investigations." Presidential Studies Quarterly, September 2003.
In Re: Richard
v. Cheney, Vice President of the United States, et al., Petitioners. United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, May 10, 2005.
Johnson, Jim (Barbour Griffith & Rogers). Memo to Cheryl Alford (Office of the Secretary of Energy), March 20, 2001.
Judicial Watch et al. v. United States Department of Energy, United States District Court for the District of Columbia. July 1, 2002.
Kelliher, Joseph. E-mail to Kyle McSlarrow et al. April 13, 2001.
———. E-mail to Kyle McSlarrow et al. April 16, 2001.
Knight, Danielle. "Congress Sues White House to Get Cheney Docs." Global Information Network, January 31, 2002.
Koppel, Ted. Interview with Dick Cheney. ABC News. Nightline, July 26, 2001.
Landsberg, Mitchell, and Miguel Bustillo. "Legislators Unite over Energy Price Issue." Los Angeles Times, April 20, 2001.
Lewis, Charles. The Buying of the President 2004: Who's Really Bankrolling Bush and His Democratic Challengers—and What They Expect in Return. New York: HarperCollins, 2004.
Linehan, LouAnn (Chief of Staff to Sen. Chuck Hagel). Memo to Kyle McSlarrow. March 20, 2001.
Marshall, Joshua Micah. "Vice Grip: Dick Cheney Is a Man of Principles. Disastrous Principles." Washington Monthly, January 1, 2003.
Milbank, Dana. "Is Judge's Past Prelude in Cheney Case?" The Washington Post, November 26, 2002.
———, and Justin Blum. "Document Shows Cheney Aides, Oil Executives Met." The Washington Post, November 16, 2005.
National Energy Policy Development Group. Final Schedule for Chief of Staff. April 15, 2001.
———. "Foreign Suitors for Iraqi Oil Fields Contracts." March 5, 2001.
———. "Iraqi Oilfields Exploration Blocks." March 5, 2001.
———. "Iraqi Oil Gas Projects." March 5, 2001.
———. "Selected Oil Facilities of the United Arab Emirates." March 2005.
Nichols, John. "What Dick Cheney Knew: An Investigation of the Company's White House Ties Should Begin at His Door." The Nation, April 15, 2002.
Pasternak, Judy. "Energy Plan Bares Industry Clout." Los Angeles Times, April 26, 2001.
Pianin, Eric, and Dan Morgan. "Oil Executives Lobbied Cheney on Drilling." The Washington Post, February 27, 2002.
Shogren, Elizabeth. "President Drops Plans to Curb Carbon." Los Angeles Times, March 14, 2001.
Simendinger, Alexis. "Power Plays." National Journal, April 17, 2004.
Skelton, George. E-mail response to authors' query. February 9, 2003.
———. "Price Caps Don't Fit in Cheney's Head for Figures." Los Angeles Times, April 19, 2001.
Stone, Peter H. "Big Oil's White House Pipelines." National Journal, April 7, 2001.
Suskind, Ron. The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House, and the Education of Paul O'Neill. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004.
Tidrick, Donald. "An Interview with Donald Walker." The CPA Journal, February 2003.
Van Natta, Don, Jr. "Agency Files Suit for Cheney Papers on Energy." The Washington Post, February 23, 2002.
———. "Energy Chief Met Envoys from Industry." The Washington Post, March 25, 2001.
———, and Neela Banerjee. "Top GOP Donors in Energy Panel Meet Cheney Panel." The Washington Post, March 1, 2002.
Waxman, Henry M. United States House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform—Minority Staff Division of Special Investigations. "Congressional Oversight of the Bush Administration." January 17, 2006.
———. United States House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform—Minority Staff Division of Special Investigations. "Congressional Oversight of the Clinton Administration." January 17, 2006.
Weisskopf, Michael, and Adam Zagorin. "Getting the Ear of Dick Cheney." Time, February 11, 2002.
York, Byron. "GAO v. Cheney." The National Review, January 31, 2003.
———. "Is Cheney Lying?" National Review Online, February 1, 2002.
The Education of Richard B. Cheney
Ashcroft, John. (Office of the Attorney General, Department of Justice). Memo to Heads of All Federal Departments and Agencies. October 12, 2001.
Background Memorandum for Oversight Hearings of the Government Information and Individual Rights Subcommittee on the Interception of Non-Verbal Communications by Intelligence Agencies. February 20, 1976. Max L. Friedersdorf Files, box 10, Gerald R. Ford Library.
Blanton, Thomas. Author interview. March 2006.
Buchen, Philip. Memo for the President. Subject: Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission. February 3, 1976. Richard B. Cheney Files, 1974-1977, box 5, folder "Federal Trade Commission," Gerald R. Ford Library.
Cannon, James M. Author interview. May 18, 2006.
Cheney, Dick. Handwritten notes. May 29, 1975. Richard B. Cheney Files 1974–1977, box 6, folder "Intelligence—New Fork Times Article by Seymour Hersh (1)," Gerald R. Ford Library.
———. Interview, June 27, 1975. James F. C. Hyde and Stephen J. Wayne collection, Gerald R. Ford Library.
———. Interview, February 8, 1977. James F. C. Hyde and StephenJ. Wayne collection, Gerald R. Ford Library.
———. Memo to Don Rumsfeld. May 22, 1974. Subject: Senator Ted Stevens's Request to Visit Camp David. Richard B. Cheney Files 1974-1977, General Subject File, box 1, folder "Camp David," Gerald R. Ford Library.
———. Memo to Don Rumsfeld. July 8, 1975. Richard B. Cheney Files, 1974-1977, box 10, folder "Solzhenitsyn, Alexander," Gerald R. Ford Library.
———. Memo to Don Rumsfeld. Subject: Status Report—New York Times Story on Sunday, May 25, 1975. Richard B. Cheney Files 1974-1977, box 6, folder "Intelligence—New York Times Article by Seymour Hersh (2)," Gerald R. Ford Library.
———. Memo to Don Rumsfeld. Subject: Domestic Council Meeting Scheduled for Tuesday, June 10. June 9, 1975. Richard B. Cheney Files 1974-1977, General Subject File, box 3, folder "Domestic Council Folder," Gerald R. Ford Libraiy.
———. Memo to Don Rumsfeld. February 15, 1975. Richard B. Cheney Files 1974—1977, General Subject File, box 13, folder "Voting Rights Act Extension," Gerald R. Ford Library.
———. Memo to Don Rumsfeld. May 17, 1975. Subject: Social Security. Richard B. Cheney Files 1974-1977, General Subject File, box 10, folder "Social Security Finances," Gerald R. Ford Library.
———. Memo to Jerry Jones. December 24, 1974. Jerry H. Jones Files 1974-1977, Staff Secretary Files, box 10, folder "White House Memos—Cheney, Dick," Gerald R. Ford Library.
———. Memo to Jerry Jones. January 25, 1975. Jerry H. Jones Files 1974-1977, Staff Secretary Files, box 10, folder "White House Memos—Cheney, Dick (16)," Gerald R. Ford Library.
———. Memo to Jerry Jones. February 14, 1975. Jerry H. Jones Files 1974-1977, Staff Secretary Files, box 10, folder "White House Memos—Cheney, Dick (8)," Gerald R. Ford Library.
———. Memo to Jerry Jones. April 7, 1975. Jerry H. Jones Files 1974-1977, Staff Secretary Files, box 11, folder "White House Memos—Cheney, Dick," Gerald R. Ford Library.
———. Speech. Hofstra University, April 7, 1989.
———. Question and Answer. National Press Club, Washington, D.C., June 19, 2006.
———. Speech. Waldorf-Astoria, New York, June 30, 2006.
Dean, John. Author interview. May 2006.
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———.June 2, 1976. National Security Advisor Memorandum of Conversation. National Security Advisor Memoranda of Conversations, box 19, Gerald R. Ford Library.
———, et al. October 13, 1975, Memorandum of Conversation, National Security Advisor Memoranda of Conversations, box 16, Gerald R. Ford Library.
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———. Palace Politics: An Inside Account of the Ford Years. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980.
Hersh, Seymour. "Huge C.I.A. Operation Reported in U.S. Against Anti-War Forces, Other Dissidents in Nixon Years." The New York Times, December 22, 1974.
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———. "The Pardon: Nixon, Ford, Haig, and the Transfer of Power." The Atlantic, August 1983.
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Mann, James. Rise of the Vulcans: The History of Bush's War Cabinet. New York: Viking, 2004.
Marsh, Jack. Author interview. June 1, 2006.
———. Memorandum for the President. Subject: Proposed Legislation on Electronic Surveillance. March 16, 1976. Presidential Handwriting File, box 31, folder "NSI (14–15)," Gerald R. Ford Library.
McCormack, Bruce. "Cheney Says Carter Needs Success in Middle East." Casper Star-Tribune, October 5, 1977.
Miller Center of Public Affairs Staff at the University of Virginia. The Ford White House: A Miller Center Conference Chaired by Herbert J. Storing. Lanham, Mass.: University Press of America, 1986.
Nessen, Ron. It Sure Looks Different on the Inside. Chicago: Playboy Paperbacks, 1979.
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